Electrical Safety Policy

AZZ Industries aims to eliminate work related injury and/or illness.
We have based our safety policy around a culture of duty of care, which is required by each member of the AZZ Industries team as an assurance to themselves, workmates, other trades and the public. This ensures that action or in-action does not cause harm or injury.

AZZ Industries takes a determined approach to improving our safety performance, and has zero tolerance for:

  • Workplace harassment and abuse.
  • The deliberate misuse, damage, refusal to use, or interference with anything related to safety.
  • We ensure our standards for safety are met; standards that comply with AS/NZS ISO 4801:2001.

We achieve this by: 

  • Complying with all relevant workplace health and safety legislation.
  • Ensuring workplace health and safety is appropriate to our business activities.
  • Identifying hazards and eliminating or controlling risks.
  • Continually improving our risk management system. . Keeping and maintaining accurate documents and records.
  • Taking corrective and preventative action when there is a safety issue or incident.
  • Making everybody responsible for safety.
  • Auditing, testing and monitoring to ensure the competency of employees.
  • Developing and facilitating safety training.
  • Reviewing our workplace health and safety system regularly to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to our workplace.

All employees are required to:

  • Adhere to AZZ Industries’ safe work method statements, safety policy, plan, procedures and instructions.
  • Immediately report anything unsafe to their supervisor
    This is a public commitment AZZ Industries is proud to stand by, and is reflected in the attitudes of all staff, who have an active input to our safety system, especially in consultation with the risk management process.

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