The Most Common Dangerous Electrical Hazards

The truth is life without electricity today is impossible. We all need electricity to use our gadgets, to see at night, to cook our food and use our appliances. Hence, you’d better seek professional electrical services from AZZ Industries – the leading electrical contractor for commercial and industrial electrical services throughout Brisbane.

Being aware of potential electrical faults and taking the steps necessary to avoid electrical hazards is crucial to keep your loved ones safe. But, in order to eliminate those hazards, you have to know what some of the common most dangerous electrical hazards are.

For that reason, the experienced team at AZZ Industries have come up with the following list of the most common electrical issues that you may come across in your home. Whether you have faulty appliances or unsteady lights, make sure you check if the problem has anything to do with any of the following:

1. Faulty or Poor Wiring

First and foremost, in order to keep electrical safety standards high, high-quality wiring is essential. Otherwise, if you try to save some money and have poor wiring in your home, the risk of power surges, fireside, arc faults, and other electrical issues, immediately increases.

So, make sure to hire electrical contractors to get the job done instead of checking your skills with DIY projects. Here’s a brief list of the most common wiring issues:

  • Hot wires or cords
  • Worn extension cords
  • Pinched wire insulation
  • Cracked wire insulation
  • Improper connections
  • Broken electrical appliances
  • Damaged electrical wire

2. Electrical Circuit Overload

Second on the list of the most common electrical hazards you should be aware of is electrical circuit overloads. But, what is this exactly? Namely, all circuits are designed to handle a certain amount of electricity. Hence, if you draw more than it can handle, the electrical circuit overloads, the circuit breaker trips, and the power to the entire circuit shuts off.

Luckily, you can prevent circuit overloads by knowing the layout of your electrical system. Again, the best solution is to call electrical contractors to explain everything you need to know about the load ratings of your home electricity system. Here are the common signs to help you recognize an electrical circuit overload:

  • Breaker tripping
  • Power shuts off
  • Buzzing outlets or switches
  • Dimming lights
  • Scorched plugs or outlets
  • Appliances lack power
  • Burning smell from outlets or switches

The bottom line is, whether you’ve already experienced some of the electrical issues mentioned above or you simply want to take preventative measures to ensure safety, the best thing you can do is call AZZ Industries. We always get things done right the first time, communication is open and honest and we are overall committed to providing the highest quality electrical work in Brisbane.

What is Thermal Imaging and Why is it Important for your Business?

Thermal imaging is actually a diagnostic technique which allows us to quantify and visualize different changes in electrical equipment’s surface temperature. Over time, your electrical systems will age and experience wear and tear. The Thermal Imaging infrared camera converts heat (infrared radiation) which is emitted from an electrical equipment surface into electrical impulses that are mapped as colours and represent different temperatures.

So, let’s take a look at reasons why is it so important for your business:

Thermal image scans are important as they can easily identify various equipment flaws as well as pinpoint any hot spots which are usually invisible to the naked eye. These scans will help you reduce the chance of electrical fires, especially within switchboards, as well as discover any loose connections from overheating.

If you want to avoid any fires and discover issues before they become a severe hazard, you should definitely get a professional thermal image scan to avoid any future problems. Luckily, the professionals at Azz Industries are always here to help. They are the leading contractors for industrial and commercial electrical services based in Brisbane.

What are the main benefits of thermal image scans?

Using thermal image scans will facilitate early equipment failure detection, as well as:

  • Cost savings – Thermal imaging will definitely help you protect your business and cut costs, as no other preventive method is as efficient and cost effective as thermal image scanning
  • Minimise hazards at your workplace and reduce the possibility of fires
  • Early detection of a variety of different potential faults
  • Non-destructive scans – With thermal image scanning we can easily detect any heat related external anomalies without having to disconnect or destroy any of your equipment, as well as identify any internal equipment failure.

How often does electrical equipment need to be scanned?

As the only way to find out that there is a problem with your electrical system is failure, the answer to this question is as frequently as you can.

All electrical components heat up before they burn out, so early detection with thermal image scanning can save your business from serious problems, before they cause total system failures or even worse, fires.

The bottom line is, thermal imaging can easily detect various problems and allow you to fix them before a much bigger issue arises, which will be far more difficult for you to handle. Many insurance companies actually recommend performing regular thermal image scans, as it is recognized as one of the most efficient methods of fire prevention.

If you want to ensure a higher level of safety at your workplace and reduce the possibility of any unwanted fires, contact Azz Industries today, and make sure you get the best services in South East Queensland.