3 Key Signs Your Office Needs Electrical Maintenance

Regular electrical maintenance is crucial to avoid dangerous hazards and keep safety at a high level. Besides safety, it also improves energy efficiency, thereby reducing power costs. The best way to ensure you get the benefit of electrical maintenance is to schedule regular checks. However, if you haven’t done so yet, look for signs that your office needs electrical maintenance.

To keep your office cost effective, Azz Industries, the ultimate electrical contractor offering the best electrical services in Brisbane and the surrounding area, has come up with five key signs indicating you need an electrical contractor to conducting a maintenance check.

Top 3 Signs You Need Electrical Maintenance

  1. Flickering Lights

Even though people see flickering lights as a trivial issue, when it happens constantly, it is a sign of a potential major issue. Not only will persistent flickering lights distract office staff from their tasks, but it will also lead to vision problems, headaches, and reduced energy levels. Plus, your power bills are likely to increase.

That said, consider that an independent specialist can do an inspection, preferably an electrical thermal scan, to identify the cause and any other potential electrical hazards. Luckily, Azz Industries is the number one electrical contractor offering thermal inspection so they easily and quickly get the job done.

  1. Sparks when Plugging or Unplugging Devices

The second sign of the need for electrical maintenance and an outlet check are sparks when plugging or unplugging devices. However, if this happens only from time to time – like a brief spark – it can be normal due to a rapid draw of power.

But if there are sparks every time you plug or unplug a device, you should definitely seek professional help. There’s a high chance of a serious problem, pointing to either excessive heat in your outlets – which could eventually lead to melting wire insulation and a potential fire – or water exposure that could short out the circuit.

  1. Circuit Breaker Trips Frequently

Finally, the circuit breaker might trip occasionally and you usually will just reset it. However, if it happens regularly, it may be a sign of an underlying electrical issue to address as soon as possible. Most of the time, circuit breakers trip as a result of either a circuit overload or a circuit shorted to ground.

A circuit overload can be quite complex and needs special equipment to test and identify the cause, which could lead to serious injury in case of a short circuit. The latter indicates an issue in the electrical conductors, including the wires, but the issue could also have its roots in other components. This is why you need a professional inspection specialist offering electrical services to carefully check wiring and connections and determine the cause of the problem.

The Bottom Line

The most common signs your office needs electrical maintenance include, but are not limited to, flickering lights, sparks when plugging/unplugging devices, and tripped circuit breakers. If you notice any of these or other suspicious occurrences, or you simply want to avoid hazards and ensure safety, don’t hesitate to call Azz Industries to schedule your office electrical maintenance.



MD 04/10

1 November 2010


The Australian Government today welcomed moves to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings with the commencement of the Commercial Building Disclosure program.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Mark Dreyfus, today launched the Commercial Building Disclosure program which commences today. This program is a key step in creating a more energy efficient building sector, with commercial buildings currently accounting for about 10 per cent of Australia’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

  • “Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions,” Mr Dreyfus said.
  • “For every one-star increase in an office building’s energy rating there is an estimated 15 per cent saving in energy costs per year.”
  • “From today, owners of commercial buildings will be required to disclose the energy efficiency rating when selling, leasing or sub-leasing office space with a net lettable area of 2000 m2 or more.
  • “There are more than 21 million square metres of commercial office space in Australia’s major urban areas spread across more than 3,900 buildings.”
  • “This new program is just one way Government and industry are working together to use energy resources, technology and infrastructure more wisely and efficiently.
  • “Investing in energy efficiency today will put Australia in a strong position to implement the low-pollution economy of tomorrow.”

Mr Dreyfus officially launched the program at the Pixel Building in Melbourne, which developer Grocon says is the most energy efficient office building in Australia.

“The Commercial Building Disclosure program has been introduced to encourage many more Australian office buildings to adopt energy savings design features and become as energy efficient as this building,” Mr Dreyfus said.

The program has received support from across the commercial property industry, and Mr Dreyfus welcomed comments from the Property Council of Australia and the Green Building Council of Australia.

“The Property Council of Australia welcomes measures that promote the energy efficiency of commercial buildings and schemes that support companies to disclose their energy efficiency ratings,” said Peter Verwer, CEO of the Property Council of Australia.

Earlier this year, the Property Council hosted a series of consultation meetings around Australia, feedback from which has assisted in identifying a number of concerns and areas for improvement.

“The Property Council and its members have been able to work with the Government to produce a program that can help drive improvements in the energy efficiency of commercial buildings.

“There is also a process in place that will enable industry to provide feedback directly to government during a transition phase that is designed to assist rather than punish industry under this new regime,” Mr Verwer said.

Green Building Council of Australia chief executive Romilly Madew said the Commercial Building Disclosure program will ensure companies have access to consistent and meaningful information about a building’s performance, making it easier for them to purchase or rent more energy efficient office space.

“The program is an important first step to improve the efficiency of Australia’s built environment by providing a clear direction for building owners and tenants,” Ms Madew said.

“At the same time, owners will have a strong, market-based incentive to improve their properties with cost-effective energy efficient upgrades, which will in turn increase their return on investment.”

Mr Dreyfus said the Government has undertaken widespread industry consultation in designing the Commercial Building Disclosure program, but would support building owners in understanding and implementing the new requirements.

“The Government has established the Commercial Building Disclosure Implementation Forum to assist all parties to understand how the program operates,” Mr Dreyfus said.

“We understand that building owners may need some time to adjust to the new scheme, and the Forum will ensure open dialogue between the Government and industry to help overcome any teething problems with the program.

“Our focus in the coming months will be to educate building owners and assist them in understanding their obligations and to promote voluntary compliance with the program.”

For more information about the Commercial Building Disclosure program visit www.cbd.gov.au

Media contact: Brett Collett – 0421 201 954


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