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Converting from Halogen to LED

People all over the world are switching from halogen lighting systems to LED (light-emitting diode) technology. So, the number one specialist in the Electrical Industry offering the ultimate electrical services throughout Brisbane – AZZ Industries – has decided to illuminate us and provide reasons why you should convert from halogen to LED lighting.

Yet, let’s first have a word or two about these two different types of lighting:

Halogen Lights

Halogen lights are the traditional incandescent bulb that uses heat to produce light. Halogen bulbs last longer than the older incandescent ones, up to three times as long, which is one of their main advantages along with being cheap, compact, and bright.

However, their major disadvantage is the fact that they are extremely hot, you can even burn your skin if you touch a halogen light. Plus, they emit infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

LED Lights

LED lights do not use heat as a source for light, but use electrons to produce light. The light-emitting diode technology results in electroluminescence, not incandescence.

This lighting system is not only used for decorative purposes and house lighting but is also found in different industries, for example LEDs are used as the car’s headlights.

So, let’s have a look at the four main advantages and benefits of LED lighting systems which will definitely convince you to convert from halogen if you haven’t done so already.

  1. LEDs are Energy-Efficient

In general, LEDs use 90% less energy than halogen lights. The reason for this is that a traditional bulb uses lots of electricity to produce heat before producing light. On the contrary, once electricity passes through a LED light, it immediately produces light. And, since less electricity is needed to light a space, rather than heat a material which will then light a space, energy savings increase and so your energy bills reduce.

  1. LEDs Have a Long Lifespan

Typically, halogen light go out regularly and thus you have to replace them quite frequently. Fortunately, you won’t have to perform this annoying and boring task if you switch to a LED lighting system. The truth is, LEDs last 20 times longer when compared to halogen bulbs and that’s the main reason why electrical contractors offering professional electrical services recommend installing a LED lighting system.

  1. LEDs don’t Require Fitting Changes

Another great reason why you should opt for LED lighting is that you can replace almost every type of light fitting with a LED one. Popular light fitting options include spotlights, downlights, Edison screw, bayonet, strip lights, etc. In other words, you will save a decent amount of money by not having to do any retrofit work. If you are planning changes to your lighting or electrical systems, make sure to hire a professional team, like AZZ Industries, and just name your requirements – everything is possible with LEDs.

  1. LEDs are Eco-Friendly

Finally, as we already mentioned, LEDs use less energy which results in decreased overall energy demand. This won’t make much of a positive change to the environment if only a single household switched to LEDs. But, imagine how energy demand can reduce if we all install LED lights. Remarkably, right? Plus, another proof that LEDs are eco-friendly is the fact that they can be recycled.

Still need some convincing to switch from halogen to LED? Contact AZZ Industries and ensure you get professional information and recommendations.