
Types of Safety Switches & their Use

In Queensland, all residences and private properties are required to install safety switches in their electrical systems. Failure to adhere with this standard can cost you to pay fines of up to $1,500.

There are several types of safety switch that you can install on your property.

Types of Safety Switches

There are three main types of switches. These are the switchboard safety switch, the power point safety switch, and the portable safety switch.

Switchboard Safety Switch

This type of switch monitors and regulates a specified path of electrical wiring in the house. They monitor the current from the extension cords to the electrical appliances and quickly shut off electricity coming from the protected power points once they detect electrical leakage.

At residential properties, switchboard safety switches can be found alongside circuit-breakers. The device can be distinguished from other switches by looking for the “Test” button on the front surface. Most homeowners and electricians prefer to combine circuit breakers with safety switch for power and lighting circuits in the same board.

Contact AZZ IND for professional electrical services today.

Power Point Safety Switch

You can opt to have your electrical system installed with power point safety switches. These devices will work to monitor your extension cords and electrical appliances plugged in the same power outlet, as well as the electrical wirings embedded on the same circuit.

Power point safety switches are typically installed on the first power point after the safety switch. They are highly advisable for residential buildings and commercial properties with multiple power points.

Portable Safety Switches

The first two switches require mounting and installation. Portable safety switch, on the other hand, is mostly used by electricians for conducting area inspection, repair, and maintenance.

Portable switches will need to be attached to a power board first before it can protect the circuits plugged to it. They are used for outdoor electrical equipments and other circuits where only temporary switch protection is required.

Proper and informed installation of safety switches are required to ensure safety and prevent electrical accidents. The Queensland government advises citizens against DIY installation and encourages people to get help only from licensed electricians.

For a guaranteed switch installation, contact Azz Industries in Brisbane today! They are a trusted residential and commercial electrician in Brisbane who can provide assistance and expert advice on all kinds of electrical matters. Just dial 1300 AZZ IND (1300 299 463) to speak with a qualified professional today.

Safety Switches & Why You Need Them

Safety switch is an essential component of electrical system. Without this, you might encounter injuries and fatalities brought by electrical accidents at home or in your workplace. That’s why in Queensland, safety switches are mandatory requirement for all properties since 1996.

What is a safety switch?

Safety switches are regulatory devices that automatically shut off power flow once electrical leakages become apparent.

Safety switches monitor electrical current going through wiring systems. It works on the premise that the current at all points of the wiring system must be equal with each other. If it notices a certain discrepancy in some points of the current, it assumes that the current is leaking through a hole or fault in that circuit. It will then block off the power flow to avoid the current from leaking further. This way, it prevents a person from coming in contact with potentially harmful electrical currents.

These devices are used to minimize electrical accidents and fatalities. However, safety switches can also become dysfunctional or faulty if used for a long time. You will need to regularly have these devices checked and renewed by a professional electrician.

The Need for Safety Switch

If the electrical current will not be shut down despite the electrical leakage, there’s a great probability that the current will find a path to the earth (or flow to the ground) through a conductor. In most instances, the human body becomes the conductor.

Almost sixty percent of the human body is composed of water; a good conductor for heat and electricity. A person who comes in contact with low voltage electricity will feel slight tingling sensation due to mild electrical shock. The case is different with high voltage current.
This can result in any of the following:

  • Pain in the muscles
  • Severe electrical shocks
  • Burns and scalds(up to third degree for worst cases)
  • Heart failure due to electrocution
  • Death

Operating electrical appliances and wires without safety switches equates to risking your life. Whether at home, in your office, or on public premises, it is definitely a must to have safety switches for avoiding unnecessary deaths or injuries.

Are your homes or properties secured? Contact Azz Industries to have your safety switches checked and or renewed today.

Azz Industries are a team of master electricians, who are industrial electrician Brisbane certified. They can work with all types of installation, repair, and maintenance depending on your electrical needs. Dial 1300 AZZ IND (1300 299 463) to speak with a qualified professional today.